About OnlineColleges123.com – Our Story

OnlineCollege123.com started as a bit of side research for our own family. With three children interested in pursuing continuing education we looked at all of our options. We soon discovered there were families all over the world looking for the same information about pursuing an online degree. Why not put all our research to good use. Thus OnlineCollege123.com was born.

This resource for aspiring students and their families provides reliable information you can base your final decision on. This resource will grow as we compile the vast amount of information about online collages you’ll find online.

Mission Statement

Our goal at Online College 123 is to provide you with the information you are looking for so you can make a wise choice about which online university or program you desire. We want to help you make an informed decision about your higher education goals. As the site grows look for state by state analysis of online college opportunities.

There are many choices when it comes to distance education. Our site has the information you need in order to choose the right online college for you.

We’ll do our best to provide comprehensive guides on the most common and sought after online majors and fields of study. You’ll find out what to expect when enrolling in and attending your chosen online education. We hope we can help you choose your next level of education with confidence.

Why Choose One Online College Over Another?

There isn’t one “best” online college, but there may be a best online college for you. Since there are numerous options out there you need to compare what each one offers and see which one makes sense for you.

That being said there are several factors to look for in a good online college.


The cost of college has been getting a bit out of control in the last few years, so affordability is always a big concern when deciding on continuing education. The outright cost per credit isn’t the only thing to be concerned about when looking at the cost of online colleges. What course materials do you need? Is there financial aide specifically for that online university that will apply to you? We’ll analyze these concerns individuals for each program we assess.

The good news is that many scholarships for brick and mortar universities can also apply to online education. You’ll just need to ask a few questions for each scholarship you apply for if you are considering an online college.


Accreditation may be the most important thing to look for when choosing an online program. When an online college is backed by an official accrediting body it means it is held to strict National standards for education. This also may factor into which financial aide packages are available and whether your other university or high school college credits will apply.

Along with accreditation it is also important to assess if the program is growing. Are they investing in their online resources and infrastructure? If a university is not adding on to their online program you might not have the long term choices all the way through your education.


Even though you are attending an online college a good program gives you the tools you need to succeed. Are there tuition plans, website tools, counselors or advisors, or technology in place to track your progress? Are there social events at a physical campus you can attend, guest speakers, or other in person activities you can take advantage of to fill out your education? All of these extras may be the deciding factor in which online college you decide on.

Student Reviews

Last but certainly not least is how well does the program hold up against the opinion of it’s actual attendees. Are students completing the program and getting their degree? How do the actual students rate their experience. These are important questions to ask.

We hope you find some useful information here at OnlineCollege123.com. Please let us know if there is something you can’t find. We’d be glad to help you in your journey to find the right online college for you.